Compile Time Dimensional Analysis in C++

Dimensional analysis plays a crucial role in scientific computations by ensuring that mathematical expressions and equations are consistent in terms of units and dimensions. The library incorporates a compile-time structure for dimensional analysis, allowing users to define and manipulate physical quantities with their associated units.


The library provides a quantity class template that can be used to define physical quantities with their associated units. The quantity class template is defined as follows:

template <typename value_t, typename unit_t>
class quantity;

The value_t template parameter is used to define the type of the value of the quantity, while the unit_t template parameter is used to define the type of the unit of the quantity. The unit_t template parameter must be a type that satisfies the unit concept.

The unit struct represents a unit of measurement by combining a base_quantity with an std::ratio prefix:

template <typename base_t, typename prefix_t = std::ratio<1>>
class unit {

    static constexpr auto factor = static_cast<double>(prefix_t::num) / static_cast<double>(prefix_t::den); ///< conversion factor of the unit

The base_t template parameter is used to define the type of the base unit of the unit, while the prefix_t template parameter is used to define the type of the prefix of the unit. In the units namespace are defined the most common units of measure.

The base_quantity struct represents a physical quantity by storing the powers of the seven base quantities of the International System of Units (SI) - length, time, mass, temperature, electric_current, substance_amount, and luminous_intensity, as template parameters:

struct base_quantity {

    static constexpr std::array<int, 7> powers = {LENGTH, TIME, MASS, TEMPERATURE, ELETTRIC_CURRENT, SUBSTANCE_AMOUNT, LUMINOUS_INTENSITY}; ///< array of the powers of the base quantities


How to install

You can clone the repository using this command:

git clone 

You can easily use the library by including the header file in your code:

#include "ctda.hpp"

using namespace ctda;

If you want to use the library in your project, you can add the following line to your CMakeLists.txt file:

target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/path/to/ctda)

If you would want to run the tests and the examples, you can use the following commands from the root directory of the repository:


After that, you can run the tests and the examples using the following commands:



If you want to contribute to the project, you can open a pull requests or use the issue tracker to suggest any code implementations or report bugs. Any contributions are welcome!


The code is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0, see the LICENSE.