The unit
struct represents a unit of measurement by combining a base_quantity
with an std::ratio
template <typename BASE_T, typename PREFIX_T = std::ratio<1>>
requires (is_base_v<BASE_T> && is_prefix_v<PREFIX_T>)
struct unit {
using base_t = BASE_T; ///< base_quantity type
using prefix_t = PREFIX_T; ///< prefix type
/// @brief Return a string representation of the unit
static constexpr std::string to_string() noexcept {
std::stringstream ss;
auto factor = static_cast<double>(prefix_t::num) / static_cast<double>(prefix_t::den);
constexpr auto prefix = std::lower_bound(prefix_map.begin(), prefix_map.end(), factor,
[](const auto& p, const auto& value) { return p.first < value; });
if constexpr (prefix == prefix_map.end())
ss << base_t::to_string();
ss << "[" << prefix->second << "]" << base_t::to_string();
return ss.str();
In the units
namespace are defined the most common units of measure:
namespace units {
using metre = unit<basis::length, std::ratio<1>>; ///< metre unit
inline static constexpr metre m; ///< m unit
using kilometre = unit<basis::length, std::kilo>; ///< kilometre unit
inline static constexpr kilometre km; ///< Km unit
using decimetre = unit<basis::length, std::deci>; ///< decimetre unit
inline static constexpr decimetre dm; ///< dm unit
using centimetre = unit<basis::length, std::centi>; ///< centimetre unit
inline static constexpr centimetre cm; ///< cm unit
using second = unit<basis::time, std::ratio<1>>; ///< second unit
inline static constexpr second s; ///< s unit
using minute = unit<basis::time, std::ratio<60>>; ///< minute unit
inline static constexpr minute min; ///< min unit
using hour = unit<basis::time, std::ratio<3600>>; ///< hour unit
inline static constexpr hour h; ///< h unit
using kilogram = unit<basis::mass>; ///< kilogram unit
inline static constexpr kilogram kg; ///< kg unit
using gram = unit<basis::mass, std::milli>; ///< gram unit
inline static constexpr gram g; ///< g unit
using litre = cubic_decimetre; ///< litre unit
inline static constexpr litre L; ///< L unit
using joule = unit<basis::energy>; ///< Joule unit
inline static constexpr joule J; ///< J unit
using newton = unit<basis::force>; ///< Newton unit
inline static constexpr newton N; ///< N unit
using pascal = unit<basis::pressure>; ///< Pascal unit
inline static constexpr pascal Pa; ///< Pa unit